Monday, November 21, 2005

I Hate These

I saw this on Katie's Blog (see link at right) so I figured, I never did these when I got them in my inbox and why the hell not do one now? They're stupid to be sure, but I'm trying to fall asleep and if the LCD screen will force my eyes to close, that would be super. I've omitted a few that are either beyond the scope I wish to answer or so beneath me I refuse to answer. That being said, lets check the quiz:

1. What time is it? My blog has a goddamned timestamp!
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: William Claiborne Yarbrough III
3. Nickname(s): Will, Liam (once, don't ask), Funk Master W
4. Piercing: None, except the one on my ass...
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? Zorro II
6. Eye color: Drk Blue
7. Place of birth: Earth
8. Favorite foods: I have the...como se dice...ah, Chlorophil
9. Ever been to Africa: Like Hell! I know how many diseases there are in the cradle of life....
10. Ever been toilet papering: I'm Carrollton's most wanted, step off!
11. Loved someone so much it made you cry: <== stupid
12. Been in a car accident: HAHA! I've totaled more cars than you've ever owned!
13. Croutons or bacon bits: All about the three-day-old french bread pieces.
14. Favorite day of the week: Saturday (Night's alright for fighting)
15. Favorite restaurant: Crap...far too many.
16. Favorite sport to watch: soccer...or lawn bowling (ESPN8...the ocho)
17. Favorite drink: scotch or martinis
18. Favorite ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
19. Disney or Warner Brothers: What tha @#$%? - I'm down with Turner(CNN, TNT, CN)
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: Wendy's
21. What color is your bedroom carpet: <== stupid (beige)
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test: None, but that really made a difference
23.From whom did you get your last email:<== stupid
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: Fry's, even though I hate them
25. What do you do most often when you are bored: culling...
26. Bedtime: I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A-C
27. Who will respond to this the quickest? <== stupid
28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? <== stupid
29. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? <== stupid
30.Favorite TV Shows: [adult swim] numba one in the hood, G
31. Last person you went to dinner with: Kim and my Brother
32. Ford or Chevy: <== stupid who is gonna pay for those P.O.S. cars? Imports, shorty, Imports
33. What are you listening to right now? Read my post about how much music I have!
34. What is your favorite color(s): blue, no green, wait I...AAAGGGHHHHH! (hope you got that)
35. Lake, Ocean, or River? I'd drown you in any of the above, but Ocean in my fav.
36. How many tattoos do you have: None, 'cept the one that says, "Bad Ass Mother" on my forehead
37. R&B or Rap? Hip Hop coz R&B is for pussies and Rap is everything the learning man should hate
38. Cat or dog? cats...dogs should be fed to cats...
39. Time you finished this: TIMESTAMP, MUTHAF#$%A DO YOU SEE IT?...Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?
40. How many people are you sending this to: <== stupid

Now I hate these things even more now that I've taken one. Great, now I'm bored but lucky for you, you now know what I do when boredom strikes me! Hehehehe. I'll post again later, but perhaps more chipper after sleep!

Punk, don't test me ...


Blogger Kim said...

If you hate them, why do you take them?! Silly.

12:03 PM  

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hell Week Survivor

You weren't there, you don't know how it was! I just got off of a hell week with a Virology test, a Public Health Lab test, and a Physics test. Overall, I feel I've done pretty well on them, but that remains to be seen in the future weeks. I'm sure I did well on Virology but the lab test is hard to gauge because she grades differently for her favorites. I'm sure you think your professors do that, but let me tell you: we "acquired" a few old tests, and one was from a "favorite" of hers, and the other was a regular student. Because she grades them and not her TAs, she can grade however she wants. On the "favorite" test, there were some obvious omissions and thoroughly wrong answers graded as correct. This is not good for those of us who couldn't give two shits about her and are just trying to get this class over with so we needn't take anymore labs for our major. Either way, I'm friends with a few favorites, so at least I could get a re-grade (hope it doesn't come to that) on that basis. Sure, it would bring their average down, but it would make the whole class go up, which is really something we can all agree on.

In other news, I've been watching the second season of Nip/Tuck which is a drama about plastic surgery (amongst other things) and is pretty addictive (the show, not the surgery). It's getting to the point that the level off drama seems almost too much and un-realistic, but all in all a good show (I was warned against the third season as it's full of cliffhanger endings never resolved in the next episode). Last night Matt, Robin, Kim, and Katie all came over and before Katie came we watched Resident Evil: apocalypse and it was as thin as I remember, but not un-entertaining. We then watched Mind-Hunters, a movie staring Christian Slater (and his pasty ass) and Val Kilmer. However, these two actors were in the movie for maybe the first 20-30 min before they are killed/ leave. Bad but entertaining and LL cool J looks like a body builder in it, making it all the more unbelievable.

Today, I'm going to try and get a bunch of homework done before my brother (Ben) comes into town to visit. I'm going to show him around campus and around Austin. I thought I might come to a few classes with me so he could see how they are. Anyone have any suggestions as to where we should go in Austin? I'll take him by the capitol building and downtown, but anything uniquely Austin that's a must-see I'm forgetting? Everyone have a good weekend and I'll post again on Monday.

Pit stop on the highway to Hell


Blogger Kim said...

I was kinda there. Or at least mistaken for being there...

Did I tell you that the guys you recruited at the coffee shop to come study with you in the UGL (I refuse to call it the FAC) thought I was in virology with y'all?

As I was leaving asked, "Done studying already?" I responded with a polite as possible version of "I'm not crazy enough to be in that class!"

8:41 AM  

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

We had my 22nd birthday party on friday and it was a real blast from the past. I'll post some pictures of it to show you what I mean. We decided that since I was 22 (11+11 on 11/11) we would go back to the decade of my birth. Everyone had to come in costumes from the 80's and those that didn't...well they were subject to our dressing them up in terrible ways. Steve was forced into looking like Rob Halford from Judas Priest. Claire got here hair teased to huge proportions, and Andrew (Tiff's) had to look like the guy from Duran Duran. All in all a great party! Issac and Julie came in from NASA and made jello shots and Andrew T. finished my sumo painting (it's so badass). There was plenty of 80's punk, new wave, goth, and rock thanks to Matt's collection of good stuff and a homemade german chocolate cake! A ton of my friends showed and I had a blast. The costumes were goofy and the humor was constant- thanks everyone for making my 22nd one to remember!

Steve Breaks the Law (fashion laws)

The face of New Wave

These people didn't dress up...look a the big hair!

Nick has space pants

Robin goes Punk

Rock me Amadeus!

Matt has a Mohawk

These people work for NASA if you can belive it

Totally 80's

Matt and cocaine jokes needed

Isaac serves cake...with style

The couples on the couch...look at Katie's ear-rings

80's means denim...too much is never enough

High fashion...decades ago

Andrew is from Duran Duran

I'll post more pictures as I get them from all the people with cameras. For now, enjoy the goofy college party pics. I have three tests this next week so I will be camped in the UGL (or FAC now I guess) to prepare. Wish me luck and I'll post later on

Needs more synthesizer


Blogger Unknown said...

wish i could have been there.

good luck on your tests.

9:28 PM  

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Friday, November 04, 2005

All Hallows Eve

This post is late in getting here but I have pictures from the Halloween party at Katie's place. There were some very nice costumes and I went as a crazy 88 from Kill Bill (part 1). There was a severe lack of any mixers (I think there was some margarita mix, but it was old and more than a little sour for me) but the party went well with jello shots and punch. We had all manner of costumes and basically had a really good time. I'm not writing much because I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Foolish mortals!

Julie is in the Matrix


My name is Domino Harvey...I am a bounty hunter

This is my BOOMSTICK

Matt is full of pity for fools

Katie is in Risky Business

We all had a great time. You can look at the facebook albums (if you are on facebook) for more of the same. I love the dress up parties because it's so fun to see what people think up. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm gonna miss this stuff when I'm out of here.

They did the Monster Mash


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