Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Far Too Long

It's been a whole bleeding month (and some change) since last I posted! Things that are new in my life include: FINAL EXAMS, a new house, old friends, new music, new job prospects, and summer school. In that order, I suppose we begin with FINAL EXAMS. I just took my first of four today and I must say that I wasn't worried about that one. I have another tomorrow (I've been cramming for it, but I'm not super worried about it either) and then one Saturday and the last one Monday. I am kind of sick of this semester and wasn't really enthused with my schedule and hope I can make up for it with the fall. I'm not about to bore anyone with finals stuff, as it's my own private hell and I've got to suffer through it by myself.

Matt, Robin, and I have got ourselves a new house at 32nd and Beanna, about a block north and 6 blocks east of our present loacale. This new place (it's a duplex) is better for a myriad of reasons: it has hardwood floors, a washer and dryer that work, large rooms and living space, and the real clincher to the deal: and honest-to-goodness DISH WASHER. I have wished for one for a whole year now and yippy skippy hoorah that I will have someplace to put the dishes from my cooking, which can use every dish I own at times (what can I say, I enjoy cooking- it's zen for me).

Old friends could be a little confusing, but my insanely cynical and highly genius friend Megan friended me over myspace (a subsidary of FOX corporation). I hate myspace. I like it here with Google where I'm safe with the other geeks, or if nothing else, on Facebook, where there are no friend-whores, odd messages, people without education, and all the other scaryness of an internet licking its chops for my precious info to make me into part of the collective (pardon the Borg reference). But Myspace is good to keep in touch with those who are not on Facebook or you just don't see that often. Megan is a riot, though you are going to have to use the little grey cells or have worked in retail to get a lot of the jokes. She's a great girl and I'm glad to see my Borders commerades in arms whenever possible.

I finally got around to finishing my first mix, called ELE-RUDI-MENTARY. It's a little over an hour and is comprised of 15 tracks. If you would like a copy, complete with jewelcase and liner notes, feel free to comment and I'll send you one, free of charge if you promise me you will play it in the company of others and when they asked who put the odd noise on, tell them I made it and they would do well to solicit my services for their next get together. Enough tooting my own horn (that always sounds dirty), but you should listen and enjoy.

I had a job interview of sorts yesterday with the director of the Chen lab on campus, that is, Dr. Chen (NOT Dr. Tran) and we had a nice chat about an undergraduate spot in his lab. They study polyploidy in Arabidopsis and Cotton. In layman's terms, PLANT SCIENCE! Hopefully I'll get it (I have experience in cloning and gene splicing) and then I'll get paid 8 bucks an hour and have some cash in my far too empty pockets!

I'm going to be taking two classes for the first summer session at UT, one on conflict in culture and the other in drugs and their impact on our society. They sound like fun and hopefully won't get in the way of the ACC physics class I'm taking over the summer. I should be planning a trip to Dallas soon to see friends and family, and then it's back to work with my lame ass!

It's been much too long, I feel it coming on...


Blogger Kim said...

I see myspace as more of a tool to find lost ppl rather than keep up with ones you currently have. but maybe that's just me-- i only joined it to stalk ppl :)

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site! |

12:41 AM  

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