Sunday, November 13, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

We had my 22nd birthday party on friday and it was a real blast from the past. I'll post some pictures of it to show you what I mean. We decided that since I was 22 (11+11 on 11/11) we would go back to the decade of my birth. Everyone had to come in costumes from the 80's and those that didn't...well they were subject to our dressing them up in terrible ways. Steve was forced into looking like Rob Halford from Judas Priest. Claire got here hair teased to huge proportions, and Andrew (Tiff's) had to look like the guy from Duran Duran. All in all a great party! Issac and Julie came in from NASA and made jello shots and Andrew T. finished my sumo painting (it's so badass). There was plenty of 80's punk, new wave, goth, and rock thanks to Matt's collection of good stuff and a homemade german chocolate cake! A ton of my friends showed and I had a blast. The costumes were goofy and the humor was constant- thanks everyone for making my 22nd one to remember!

Steve Breaks the Law (fashion laws)

The face of New Wave

These people didn't dress up...look a the big hair!

Nick has space pants

Robin goes Punk

Rock me Amadeus!

Matt has a Mohawk

These people work for NASA if you can belive it

Totally 80's

Matt and cocaine jokes needed

Isaac serves cake...with style

The couples on the couch...look at Katie's ear-rings

80's means denim...too much is never enough

High fashion...decades ago

Andrew is from Duran Duran

I'll post more pictures as I get them from all the people with cameras. For now, enjoy the goofy college party pics. I have three tests this next week so I will be camped in the UGL (or FAC now I guess) to prepare. Wish me luck and I'll post later on

Needs more synthesizer


Blogger Unknown said...

wish i could have been there.

good luck on your tests.

9:28 PM  

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