Monday, July 25, 2005

Weekends at Home

I was in Austin all weekend for a wedding that lasted 18 min. We had a great time, and it was so nice getting to see everyone again. I have begun to think of Austin as home and I've been away too long! I got to see some URHA/ RHC people I'd not hung out with in a long time. I was able to hang out in my own apartment and enjoy that, as well as go downtown after the wedding to drink it up at McCormicks & Schmidts, The Gingerman, and Chuggin' Monkey where we got to hear a pretty good resident DJ (though I wish it were Friday and we could've gone to see Chicken George). There was no drinking at the reception and no dancing (silly religious people and their rules) but Hoon and Sarah looked great and the whole thing was really beautiful and done very well. Being the first wedding of a friend's that I've gone to since leaving High School, I must say that it was still a lot of fun! We were all having such a good time, it was a real shame I had to go back to Dallas.

I finished The Once and Future King today and have been pretty busy in the lab (not that I want to be or anything) but that's kinda how it goes. I am in effect counting down the days until I return to Austin and get to have some really nice back-to-school parties to host/attend. Nick and Erica were nice to hang out with, even if they do sleep a whole lot! When I got back to Dallas I went out with some people from work and that was fun, but I left my phone to charge in the car, when I got back to the house (I'm sorry to the people that called/ messaged me, I was home, just not near my phone and I would have loved to talk with/ hang out with you). I hope the day goes quickly because I can think of nothing better than going out tonight to forget that I have work still left to do here!

Can't I just go home, already?


Blogger Kim said...

I know, I'm totally checked out now. My brain is already back in Austin. We totally need to research cheap drink specials and hit 6th more often. ;p

7:43 PM  

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