Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'd Get Back on my Horse, But it Just Died on me...

Well, I get in early, hoping, really hoping, to get some kind of results from last night, but what do I find? Nothing. This summer is getting very exausting what with no data to speak of and the seemingly simple steps which don't go according to plan! I am ready to leave the lab and get back into school. A man can only take so much failure before he needs a break from all of it! I think I need a vaccation and I'm hoping that by going down to Austin for the weekend will be the thing I need to recharge my batteries and give me a jump start from the lab failures.

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a SURF friend of mine last night and it was a very cute movie. There were a lot more side plots and some things were left out but all in all a very nice film. Johnny Depp and Deep Roy were awesome and the girl who played Veruka Salt couldn't have been more perfect (total brat, huge teeth, etc.). I want to see more movies, but nothing looks particularly good at the present.

My brother gets in from Spain this weekend and I'll be glad to see him, though I'm sure he'd much rather stay there than here, but what can you do. He took lots of pictures and calls the house often enough, but I'm never home to talk to him, so I'll most likely take him out to lunch and make him tell his tale. I actually got a belt yesterday and it's reversible (that's nifty) and I think I may look into getting that mixer if Guitar Center has ordered the power supply for the damned thing. That will be about the last of my purchases for quite a while, I suppose.

I'm taking a long long lunch today because I have two lunch meetings back to back, and pretty much no work to speak of today due to experiement failure. This is quite dissapointing, really but I suppose I am getting paid for the whole experience, andthat's a good thing too. I don't feel much like writing, or really doing anything in fact. I made a mistake and amazon sent the books to Austin, but they said they'd hold it for me and I'll pick it up on my way down tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get both my books. I hope this is a good book, and I know this one is like the DJ encyclopedia or bible, or whatever tome of knowledge you wish. So these should boost me on my way towards making good sounds.

Get knocked down 7 times, get up 8


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to see you in your suit. and, when i come down next weekend i cannot take you to the pricy restaurant we discussed unless we go dutch. call me.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I got a reversible belt yesterday too! That's scary! Mine wasn't nearly as shnazzy or expensive though...

I think next semester will be much more relaxing. Come back to Austin earlier and we can have our own little mini-vacation ;p

3:51 PM  

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