Wednesday, June 29, 2005

One Day Till Payday

So I was in lab for a good 12 hrs yesterday, chugging along on my project and hopefully getting good results. I couldn't read my gel yesterday so Dr. Karp had me re-do the DNA preps. This would be fine, except he asked me to do 24 colonies worth. This would be fine, except the preps require day cultures (i.e. cells must grow for 7 hrs) to harvest and prep. This would be fine, except he asked me at 10:00 this morning. Even this would be fine, except that I was out of media and had to make more, which requires me to Autoclave for an hour. I got all the cultures into the incubator at 12. This puts me at a 7:00pm harvest, with at least another hour-hour and a half DNA prep time. Now, I should go ahead and do a digest on all the DNA and run a massive gel. That'll take an hour to incubate, and an hour to run. That will put me at 9:00-10:00pm. Then, I'd have to grow an overnight of any cultures that gave me a hit, so that'll get me out of here around 10:30-11:00. This is not good. I really should put off the digest and gel, but if I don't get any hits off that, I'm behind a week. This blows.

I get paid tomorrow, which may very well the only reason I come in tomorrow. I don't really feel like working 14 hr days and weekends, but I do feel like getting something done here! I plan on getting those CD players from that guy pretty soon, so I hope it works out. Andrew ended up not taking the ninja job and will be working for Brookstone instead. This is good, because he has a job and has one he doesn't have to sell out for. I really feel tired everyday, despite the fact that I run 2-3 miles everyday and have been eating well. I guess it's the insomnia acting up over the summer, but even when I do sleep I feel sorta tired and crappy the next day.

I plan on going to the Nasher sculpture gardens with some of the grad students tomorrow, so that'll be a lot of fun. I'm interested to see their new "Walking to the Sky" and if you're in D-town, I suggest you look too. I hope to get out of here early over the next few days, as this all gets so tedious at times and I wish I wasn't here when things are going poorly for me. I hope people are reading this, because I keep posting like I said that I would. So if you like this tell me and if you hate this tell me...then shove it up your ass, but tell me about it first. Hoon, or one half of soon to be Hoonandsarah had the most interesting article on his away-message today. Maybe it's shit like this that makes me sick to my stomach about people in general. When things get this sick and twisted, even I have to look away, take a few breaths and say, "It could be worse."

The only real relief I felt at the whole article was that these people can't function in our world. The recoil at women in the workplace, speaking like a human (read: cursing and swearing), liberalism, homosexuality, sexuality in general, dating, places where their Jesus isn't well liked, and all the other little fun things that would make their "hell" worth living in. The most disturbing thing is perhaps not these kids in general but in the fact that they breed and squat out their hellish little cookie-cutter clones as fast and long as they can. I don't mind if you're right-wing, heck, I don't mind too terribly if you're a Christian, and even homeschoolers are people too. But look, when you do your best to shelter yourself from the outside world that everyone lives in, it is going to knock down your door, look you right in the eye, and I swear, the look on your face will be priceless as your stomach knots and you wet yourself in the face of the wonder that you rail against. This turned into a rant really quickly and I'm sorry for that, but places like Patrick Henry and Bob Jones should not be allowed to exist in our time. Send this crap back to the stone age. It's enough to make you want to go in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, have a smoke in the middle of their little world with a sign that says "Ask me about my views on philosophy, science and the meaning of life," I really wonder if their heads would explode like melons.

how do I invent a sterility bomb?


Blogger Kim said...

Hehe. Yay for executive decisions.

You'll have to tell me about these sculpture gardens sometime...

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i understood have of what you're talking about. quit being smarter than me, dammit!!

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shit. i meant "half." how embarassing!

1:38 PM  

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