Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm A Bad Worker Bee...

So I have been playing on the library computers all freaking morning, so now that it's noon, I'm thinking about going back to lab to pour plates, do a little experiment, put it in the incubator for the night and go home to do stuff there. I know that's bad, but I finally got paid and have lots to do elsewhere. Sunbola's leaving too so I don't feel so bad about it. I only have two weeks left, what the fuck do they care if I leave early? It's really not like I have much at all to do (I don't) and it's not as if my PI (read: boss) isn't in Boston (he is) and it's not like my lab cares too much (they don't). So I'm leaving as soon as the experiment is over and done with. It takes 1.5 hrs or thereabouts so I should leave at ~2:00.

I think the SURF people that don't hate fun (Misty, Chris, Phillips 1&2, and maybe Sunbola) are going out for sushi (because raw fish is the most kickass food ever sliced up by mankind) and then mayhaps hit up a bar and down a few pints. I really had a lot of fun last night hanging out with Jon and Zach (I don't get to see them much) and Andrew and Mike T were good to chill out with. We are the only ones that work (Jon was on a grant from Stanford and Zach is just kinda lazy) so we deserved our beers. Mike's not 21 yet but the place doesn't card and he's got a likeable attitude. I got 5 beers and a pizza for less than 10 bucks- this is such an awesome idea, I'm not sure what to say about it.

I'm looking into jobs and two people got back to me. Scratch one research job and put one barista spot into the "hopeful" category. The coffee shop was impressed by my resume and my prior work at the Border's cafe will mean that they can hire a guy they don't really need to train (which I think they'll love) so it is quite possible that I could be slinging mugs and gelatto at Teo (I think it's at 29th and something) but we'll have to see. I just need a low-hour, higher wage way to earn some extra scratch so I can buy the things I need/ want in Austin. I've been figuring out living expenses with Nick and I think I got it all settled. He's looknig for furniture at the moment and that includes a TV, entertainmet center, and dining room chairs. Wish us luck. We think we have an add for a free TV, but it may still be too expensive...check it out here, but be forewarned, it's stupid. I've said it before, but I want to be back in Austin. All I can say is that the parties better be rocking and the beer should flow like wine!

I wanna rock and roll all night...


Blogger Kim said...

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10:26 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

check out http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AustinFreecycle

10:27 AM  

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