Tuesday, December 28, 2004


We'll consiter this a new start, ok? I know I haven't updated since summer, but now I resolve to keep this thing up to date, and I mean audio and pictures- the works. I had an ok Christmas, even though I really I don't celebrate the holiday. I had a happy Agnostica, a holiday celebrated in the normal manner: Drinking. I got new threads to increase my street cred as the most hardcore playa-hata. I had a ton of family here in Dallas since I got back, and lets just say this isn't much of a vacation when I have to sleep on a couch in the most busy room in the house (Think getting in between 12 and 2 then waking about 3 to 5 hrs later) and it's really taking it's toll! I need to hit the MCAT stuff harder like I promised myself I would, plus, I have very little time to learn all that damned physics! Well, I need to shower and eat, I'm going to go see the Forbidden City exibit at the DMA, it's suposed to be pretty cool. I'll take some pictures whilst I'm downtown.

The rebirth of a legend


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