Thursday, August 05, 2004

I'm going to sing the doom song!

So I got Doom3 yesterday and may I say that while the concept is old, the graphics breathe new life into the genre. I grew up on first-person-shooter (FPS) games starting with the first beta version of Wolfenstein (before it was Wolfenstein 3d and id only knew how to make sprites increase and decrease in size relative to a point on a 2d map). I knew three things then and there:

  • I disliked the Nazi party, who can really like anyone who's party leader is 1/2 giant robot with arm-mounted chain guns?
  • I knew I was a gamer for life, the depth of the world I was drawn into may have been 2d but the affect was dimension-less
  • I knew I would be playing FPS games till they pried the mouse from my cold, dead clicking finger

Doom3 doesn't do anything stupendous other than look and sound fucking creepy, but the nostalgia is still there, like inviting an old friend whom you haven't seen in years out for coffee, only to find they're more attractive and successful than you'd ever have hoped they'd be and you're happy for them. I played it as it was meant to be played, like the original: lights off, sound on, and frequent trips to the little boys room. Yeah, so you should play it and be freaked out by it. Doom used to be the game you invited others over to witness in all its glory back in the heyday, it's almost like worth it to invited them back over to see how far it's come. Once Half-life 2 hits shelves, however, gaming will never be the same. 3 FPS games have the propensity to turn normal ppl into gamers : Half-life 2, Doom 3, and FarCry. I suggest you start playing.

I wish I were Doc Doom


Blogger Kim said...

does this mean that you're gonna trying to covert me to fps soon?

4:38 PM  

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